Windows 11: Basics
Windows 11 is coming to HPG and personal computers at a rapid rate. By the end of 2023, Windows 11 will be the primary operating system for the entirety of HPG and its subsidiaries. The HPG IT team has put together some resources that will help employee familiarize themselves with Windows 11.
Below are topics that you may find useful, click the topic to view resources provided directly by Microsoft.
Accessibility: Make Windows 11 more accessible, easier to interact with, or assist with specific disabilities.
Organize: Discover ways to interact with and organize your windows, start menu, and more.
Search: Search faster and easier
Security: Though HPG manages the security on company computers, you may want to know about security features of Windows 11 for your personal or family computer
Shortcuts: Useful time saving shortcuts
Touch: Learn how to navigate using your touchscreen (not on all computers)