Outlook: External Email Disclaimer
Starting July 20, 2022, HPG Brands has begun to prepend the [EXTERNAL] disclaimer to messages that originate from outside HPG. The message will appear as seen below:
This disclaimer is to hint to HPG Employees that they are interacting with a message that originated from untrusted or non-verified sources. Employees are to treat such messages with additional scrutiny and avoid clicking links, opening attachments, or forwarding messages before verifying that they are safe to do so. Among following any guides provided via training, employees should inspect and validate all aspects of an email message. Speed, assumption, and stress are not valid reasons for not-following training recommendations and guidelines.
Every employee is responsible for helping to keep HPG, HPG Employees, and HPG Customers safe.
It should be noted, that this disclaimer is not applied with a guarantee. Meaning, if there is a system outage or backlog, some external messages may arrive without the disclaimer. Regardless, employees need to continue best practices and verify the safety of all messages they receive.